How To Deal Let It Ride

Posted : admin On 4/13/2022
How to deal let it ride poker

The Bonus is an optional side bet that the player can choose to play. If the player hasn’t bet the Bonus already, then kindly point to it and ask the player if they would like to play. They can only bet $1 on the Bonus, no more or no less. Because of the Bonus bet, it’s good to get in the habit of giving players $5 - $10 in $1 cheque’s. Especially when they cash in for $100. During the course of the game, it’s good to keep an eye on their cheques and make sure they have a steady supply of $1’s. Remember, you want them to have as many dollars as a Las Vegas Stripper.
After all of the players have had the opportunity to bet, look at the sensor lamps and make sure they’re illuminated for all of the players who decided to place a $1 on them. Once you’ve inspected all of the bets for a second time, press the “Lock Out” button on the keypad. Collect all of the bets and place them in your bank.
Sometimes you’ll have a few procrastinators on the table. Players will wait until you’ve put the chips away, have already pressed the “Lock Out” key and are just about to deal the cards before deciding that they want to bet on the Bonus after all. No worries. Have the player place their Bonus bet and then press the “Lock Out” key again. Collect the bet and then continue with the hand. Remember, you can only do this if the cards haven’t been dealt out yet. The “Lock Out” key will be disabled after the shuffle machine has dealt the first hand.
Sometimes the Bonus sensor doesn’t light up when the player puts the $1 Bonus bet on it. Depending on your casino, this could go a couple of different ways. Some casinos will want you to notify your floorman who will then tell the table that that position is no longer available for Bonus play. Other casinos will offer “On/Off” buttons for the customers. If the light isn’t working, then after the dealer takes the players bonus bet they will put a lammer on the sensor with the “On” side facing up. This shows the cameras that the light is on and has been on since the beginning of the hand. If a player decides to not bet on the Bonus, then place the lammer to the “Off” side, facing up so the cameras can see it.

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How To Deal Let It Ride

Learn how to deal Let-It-Ride with this in-depth analysis. The third page goes into game security, changing the deck and the typical house shuffle. How to Deal Let-It-Ride Round 1 Starting from the left hand side and going right, politely ask the player is they would like to “Let-It-Ride” while holding your palm open, facing upward, pointing at their wager. If the player scratches the table, then they don’t want to Let-It-Ride and they want their bet returned. Player makes three bets of equal size. Dealer gives player three cards. Player may pull his first bet back or 'let it ride.' Dealer deals the first community card, to be used by all players.